
Mart, 2006 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Truly it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then the light is nearest of all to us. Meister Eckhart thanks to Ben for this contribution

Sun Eclipse

Today everyone went out to see this rare event. In front of our department, they took this photograph of the sun getting slowly dark..and looking more like the moon... .


Can the brain be ever free from all the programmes we have received? It is possible only through watching, not condemning or accepting, but just watching the whole movement of your thought, watching the very activity of thought, watching the origin, the beginning of thought. And so in this watching the brain then becomes much more sensitive, not only to its own responses but sensitive to nature, to everything around one, to the world of one’s own psyche, so that there is a constant objective and subjective relationship, an interchange, never coming to a final decision. That is, never taking a position from which you move. And this requires not only a great deal of leisure in the sense, not doing it as a hobby, but it is part of life. One must have leisure to look at life. One must have this time to see what is actually happening, not what you wish or desire to happen, but what is actually in our daily life going on. And that watchfulness makes the brain extraordinarily acute, sharp, cl...


l ife is a sea of bubbles where each bubble is an universe by itself...we are beings composed of interaction of different spaces...each particle of our being exist in communcation with endless others, like the brush becoming ink becoming paper becoming surface becoming idea becoming vision becoming dream becoming reality becoming becoming.... where there is only becoming, there is no need to hold, to catch, to imprison, to capture, to get attached, to wear, to be something else that who we are..... Thank you for this beautiful drawing Mimi (you can see the link for the other great creations of hers)

What The Bleep Do We Know

I went to an amazing movie today...I wish everyone could see it! (They will:)

önce ki "mi" ye cevaben

Bebeklikten yetişkinliğe doğru çıktığımız yolculukta bilinçaltımızın ailemiz ve etrafımız tarafından programlanır ve böylece filtre diye tanımlayabileceğimiz bir yapı bize yerleşir. Dolaylı deneyim, 5 duyuya ulaşan dışsal verilerin bu filtrelerden geçerek yorumlanması ve algılanmasıdır. 3 ana filtremiz vardır. Genelleme, bozma ve silme... Bu 3 filtre hızlı öğrenmemizi kolaylaştırırken bir yandan da farkında olmadığımız düzlemde bizi sabote eder. Mesela ilk defa bir sandalye gördüğümüzde, genelleme filtresini kullanarak ondan sonra gördüğümüz bütün sandalyelerin ne işe yaradığını biliriz, tekrar tekrar sandalyeyi her gördüğümüzde onun ne işe yaradığını öğrenmemiz gerekmez... Fakat bir ilişki yaşarken partnerimizle yaşadığımız olumsuzluğu da genelleyip "Bütün erkekler/bütün kadınlar aynıdır" şeklinde ki kısıtlayıcı bir genellemeyi oluşturmamızda yaygın rastlanan durumlardandır. Bu filtreler ve meta programlar diye ifade edilen bilinçaltına yerleşmiş ana karakter programları kul...


Hiçbir şeyi yargılamadan ne kadar uzun süre kalabilir insan? Bir insana, bir nesneye, bir olaya, yargı, tanı, beğenme, beğenmeme, sevme, nefret etme gibi parazitler eklemeden yaklaşabilir mi? Yüz yüze gele bilir mi? O zaman “ben” dediği şeyi bırakması gerekir…bırakabilir mi? mi de mi.. .


Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man. Edward Steichen


"Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our power; only beyond our present self knowledge" Theodore Rozak


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. Unknown

when color speaks



There was never a time When I did not exist nor you Nor will there be any future When we ceased to be Sri KrishaBagavad Gita Thanks to Dadal