
Temmuz, 2007 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Şimdilik kısa bir ara

Sevgili dostlar, gidişime çok az kaldı (7 Ağustos'ta yolcuyum). Epey bir süre (en azından İzmir'e yerleşinceye kadar) blogum sessiz kalacak. Ama yeni bir başlangıçla devam edecek. Tekrar görüşmek üzere, sevgiyle kalın.

Say Goodbye

Bugün pek sevdiğim ofisimi boşaltmak için uzun bir aradan sonra döndüm Bilkent'e. Umduğumdan daha az eşya birikmiş, yormadı beni..ama anıları tekrar tekrar hatırlayıp sonra kutulara kaldırmak kolay degildi. Funda, Nazife ve Dilek için bir stand bile oluşturdum, götürmediğim ve işlerine yarayabilecek bazı ıvır zıvırlar ile. Yine de içimi bir hüzünden çok tatlı bir heyecan kapladı, yeni bir sayfaya adım atmadan önceki bu titreşimle karşıma çıkan Bliss kasetinde (ee ne de olsa eski toprağız hala kaset mevcuttur bizde:)) yazanları eklemeden gidemedim buradan işte... Say Goodbye to all you see, to all you see with these eyes. Say goodbye to all you have been to all your needs and desires, fly above the silent ocean to the purest star. Feel your heart begin to break, become the light you are... Fear is man enclosed in flesh and wrapped up in a lie, love is all that conquers death yet never fears to die. Freedom dances over the threads that try to tie her down. Faith is humble like the o...

Burnunun ucu

Sivrihisar Sivrihisar-Terkedilmiş kilise Sivrihisar-Kilisenin kapısı Sivrihisar-Ulucamii kapısı Sivrihisar Ulucamii Sivrihisar-Külliye Gordion- Galat mezarı Gordion-Frikyalılar zamanından eşyalar Gordion-Tümülüs Gordion-Kral Midas'a ait olduğu varsayılanTümülüs Hani insan hep yakınındakini görmeyi hep sonraya erteler...nasılsa yakında hep giderim diye burnunun ucuna dikkat etmez ya..işte ben bu dikkatsizligi daha fazla sürdürmek istemedim ve haftasonu, Gordion ve Sivrihisar'a kısa bir kaçamak yaptım. Karşılaştıklarım çok güzeldi.. Anadolunun gizemli toprakları, beni bir kez daha büyüledi....


Beneath the restless complexity of our lives breathes a creative being -- the artist in all of us. Spirit guides can show the way past our earthbound limits to creative expression. Cynthia Matyi

Irish Mythology1

The Hill of Tara, known as Temair in gaeilge, was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland – 142 kings are said to have reigned there in prehistoric and historic times. In ancient Irish religion and mythology Temair was the sacred place of dwelling for the gods, and was the entrance to the otherworld. Saint Patrick is said to have come to Tara to confront the ancient religion of the pagans at its most powerful site. One interpretation of the name Tara says that it means a "place of great prospect" and indeed on a clear day it is claimed that features in half the counties of Ireland can be seen from atop Tara. In the distance to the northwest can be seen the brilliant white quartz front of Newgrange and further north lies the Hill of Slane where according to legend St. Patrick lit his Pascal fire prior to his visit to Tara in 433 AD. Early in the 20th century a group of Israelites came to Tara with the conviction that the Arc of the Covenant was buried in on the famous hill. ...

Irish Sacred geometry1

The spiral, or triple spiral, is one of the most familiar images from the Irish Neolithic. The impressive entrance stone at Newgrange , is highly decorated with spirals. Some researchers believe the spiral represents the sun, or the sun's movements through the sky. The triple spiral is repeated inside Newgrange, on a stone in the end recess of the chamber, Chamberstone 10. (Source: New Data on Newgrange, Frank Prendergsat, 1991.)


St Stephen's-Dublin St.Theresa Church-Dublin River Liffey-Dublin St. Anne Church-Dublin St.Stephen's park-Dublin Fuli&Fuli@ the egde of the sea Dun Laoghaire Dun Laoghaire Irish Sea Thanks to a Conference that held in Dun Laogharie, Ireland, I had the ocassion to have a quick but wonderful trip to Ireland, to meet with beautiful people and experience some lovely 4 days. I was impressed again by the Gothic architecture, the wideness of the Irish sky and sea and the liveliness of the green! Not to mention the greatness of Celtic Spirit! After 40 C in Turkey, it was also a very refreshing travel:)